How Do You Know when its Time for Exterior House Painting in Porter Ranch, CA? Faded Paint, Selling Home & More

When you think about painting the outside of your home, you are probably filled with dread. It is a large-scale project that can be time consuming and expensive. However, when it’s time to paint the outside of your home and you fail to do it, you could be left with damage to your house. It is always best that you keep the exterior paint on your home in good condition to give your home the protection from the elements that it needs. United Home Painting & Roofing is here to talk about some of the signs that indicate it is time to paint the outside of your home.

Your House is Showing Wear

You should give the outside of your home a good inspection at least once a year to look for issues like paint wear and tear. This can be a sign that you need to have your home repainted. Signs of wear and tear could include bubbling, cracking, or even peeling paint. You shouldn’t ignore this, or your home could experience expensive damage.

Faded Paint on House

While having the paint on your home fade a bit isn’t going to actually harm your home, it will certainly look bad. Most people want to get rid of any faded paint on the outside of their home. Areas of your home that are hit hard from intense sunlight are going to be especially prone to fading.

Is it Worth Painting House Before Selling?

If you are getting ready to put your home on the market, it is a good time to have it painted. This can not only increase the curb appeal of your home, but it can also appeal to several buyers when you can list new exterior paint as one of the addons to your home. Just make sure you pick a color that will appeal to the most buyers possible.

Need to Replace Existing Caulking

As you inspect your home, make sure you look closely at the doors and windows. All the doors and windows on your home will have caulking around them to seal those areas from the elements. If you have noticed that there is cracking around the doors and windows, it’s time to have the caulking done again and repaint.

How Long Does Paint Last on Exterior of House?

Most people have to have their home painted every 5-10 years. This is going to depend on the quality of the paint that is used and the craftsmanship that is used when the house was painted. If you have a home that is made of wood, you will likely have to pain every 3-7 years.

Interior & Exterior Painting & More in Thousand Oaks, Westlake Village, Agoura Hills, Reseda, Van Nuys, Sherman Oaks & Greater Calabasas, CA

At United Home Painting & Roofing, we offer exterior painting services that will leave your home looking like new again. We will make sure the job is done with precision, so you get as many years and possible out of your exterior paint. Call us today!

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